
HELL-o, my legion of Darkness. Just posting to ask if you have all been taking care of yourselves, because before the rising of eternal night, you must make sure you are cared for and have your needs met. Love y'all.


I know y'all have probably heard of the game "My Eyes Deceive" and it's SCARY. It's not because of the visuals or audio or anything along those lines. It's scary because it's something that could (and probably has) happened in reality. 


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I will be taking a hiatus from all of my works until further notice to deal with a breakup. I hope all of you have a great day/night. Being ghosted by your partner fucking HURTS, I'll tell y'all that much. Especially if you don't get to see them IRL. Happy Holidays to all of you. Love you


I wanted to tell y'all about me a bit more. I'm a pan demigirl with a boyfriend, I am also a minor so please don't solicit anything seggsual to me. I like drawing, writing, and baking, I have 3 siblings 1 male, 1 female, and one who identifies as genderfluid. Also if you don't like Waluigi come morning your knee caps will be mine. 


BTW seek you posted  the same chapter twice in your captin underpants book


@Toxicqueen89 I know, I'm working on fixing that for not just you, but all my readers who stick around for my fanfictions no matter how cringe they may be


@Toxicqueen89  I know, I meant for the disclaimer to be the first chapter but made it the second by mistake. I'm working on fixing it


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Fucking pissed. Someone decided to recolor my art and try to pass it off as theirs. Here's the link to my original drawing: and the link to their BS:


That's so messed up! The original isn't even good! No offense trying to make a point