
Hey guys! If you’re interested in some really awesome dubcon, check out the Vagrant King by @chargeittothegame. It’s still being written, but so far it’s quality material.  Go check it out!


@That_creepy_bookworm thank you so much!! you have made my day with all of your support, i'm incredibly grateful!


Hey guys! If you’re interested in some really awesome dubcon, check out the Vagrant King by @chargeittothegame. It’s still being written, but so far it’s quality material.  Go check it out!


@That_creepy_bookworm thank you so much!! you have made my day with all of your support, i'm incredibly grateful!


Thank you for reading and voting on Imalroc! I'd love to hear what you think of it if you have time. :D


@smaoineamh I loved it! I loved the gladiator type feel and the fight scenes were amazing! What kind of confused me was when they escaped and crossed over the border. (Sorry I forget names really fast) It kind of seemed like they were being interrogated at one point, then they learned the truth, and then all of a sudden they were back home and went straight back to fighting. But other than that one confusing (for me) part, it was awesome. I would totally recommend it to my friends. Thank you for letting me read it! :)