
Hello guys!!!! I'd like to proudly announce that one of my favorite girlfriend has started writing her own book here on wattpad! Kindly add to your library and don't forget to vote when you reading it. Eid Mubarak to all and sorry for you MIA. Roses & Bullets update is going to upload today in sha Allah, see you then❤️


Allah says Kun "Be" and miracles happen, the most impossible things happen. So don't worry if your heart hurts today. Allah can change your situation in a miraculous way, in all ways you don't even know. Allah swt can change your story within a blink of an eye. Your situation can change within a second, everything can fall into place exactly how you wished and prayed for. You just have to continue to have faith in Him and accept His decree. Continue to pray to Him with full faith that He will accept your du'as and give you what your heart truly desires as long as it has pure goodness in it for you.  You got through the days you felt the worst, you got through the moments you felt it's too much to handle. you were drowning but Allah saved you from that storm. So have faith and keep going. This too shall pass and happiness will come in bundles.❤


Hello guys!!!! I'd like to proudly announce that one of my favorite girlfriend has started writing her own book here on wattpad! Kindly add to your library and don't forget to vote when you reading it. Eid Mubarak to all and sorry for you MIA. Roses & Bullets update is going to upload today in sha Allah, see you then❤️


          Sorry for writing on your message board 
          I hope this message finds you well. I'm excited to recommend my book, "Hearts Entwined in Jannah," to you. It's a captivating story that promises daily updates with your support through votes and comments. I sincerely hope you fall in love with my writing. Don't forget to give me a follow if you enjoy the journey.

          This is a sequel, and if you're intrigued, you can also check out the main book on my profile. I hope both stories resonate with you!



Asalamualikum warahmatullahi wabarakathu sis, i hope this msg find you well. Can you plz check out my book "Be a good Muslim"
          "Within the pages of 'Be a Good Muslim,' readers embark on a transformative journey towards embodying the values of faith, compassion, and resilience. This profound guide serves as a beacon of light, illuminating the path to spiritual growth and a deeper connection with one's beliefs. Dive into its teachings and embark on a journey of self-discovery and fulfillment. Let 'Be a Good Muslim' be your companion in navigating the complexities of modern life through the wisdom of Islamic principles."


@Slave_of_Ar-Rahman was wasalam! Sister of course I would love to read it! I look into it in shaa Allah, thank you 


Heyyoo.. Please kindly check out this book written by my wattpad bestie@abubakarzaimat  you won't regret Reding it assure you, don't forget to vote