Hey everyone! Not sure if anyone would see this but hey- better to let everything out there. It's me, ThatonePanBish on my back-up account. It's been..long since I said anything out there and I just want to address everything to you. I'm okay, I'm not dead- I just lost my password to this account and I'm still trying to figure it out. Also... i got grounded again for like the third time so, yay!
I just reread His Blue Eyes and Jesus Christ it was a mess-
Little rant... the grammar was not all good, some parts were just really weird and cringe, but most importantly the ending sucked. I mean, I wrote the book from my heart and soul and the ending just disappointed me. I would absolutely love to rewrite the ending that's obviously better and to fix the grammar in every single chapter. However, until I can figure out the password there is nothing I can do.
I want to thank everyone who read my story, whether you liked it, loved it, or hated it- thank you for taking your time to read it. Without you guys encouraging me, telling me your opinions and requests, this story would've flopped and this wouldn't be possible.
Yet again, thank you. For now I'll be on the account I'm currently writing this on until I can log back in into ThatonePanBish. If you have anything to ask or just want to talk you can message me. ^^ <3