"Four girl were having a regular conversation when the first girl asks "What team are you on?"
"Team Edward" the second girl says.
"Tots Team Jacob" the third girl squeals
Then the fourth girl goes "Screw Mr. Sparkles and Hairy Puppy. TEAM LEO ALL THE WAY!"
Post this on your page if your the fourth girl."
Hello! Thank you for commenting on my story! I really like your username, and as I was looking at your bio, I saw the repost thing about Team Leo.
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I don't know where/ who you got it from, but, um... *whispers* the spelling is wrong in the last sentence. It should be you're not your. Sorry. Child of Athena, couldn't help it. *smiles awkwardly* *stops whispering* But anywho, I just wanted to add, there where FIVE girls, not four. I am, in fact, the fifth one, who whispered, "Team Nico Foreverrre!" in the background while the Twihards lost an argument with the Demigod. Just thought I'd add that! Thank you again for reading my story! And also, I read some of your stories! Keep writing!
**Pinkie :) :3