Sorry I've been so inactive guys. I'm so sorry. I love each and every one of you and I'm a jerk for doing this. But the thing is, I don't really like teen wolf anymore. I grew out of it. I recently read my imagines and tbh cringed a lot haha. So the last chapter I posted is my last one. I'm sorry I never finished my Sleeping Beauty AU, I guess you can make up whatever ending you want. I'm so so so so so sorry. I'll leave the imagines up, I won't delete them for those of you who like them. I hope you understand. I love you all, honestly. You made me so confident in my writing skills, and inspired me to write more. Thank you for all of the followers and reads I got. Thank you for everything and I will be forever grateful. Because fanfiction to me is the start of maybe something bigger. And you guys started it. So I thank all of you. Goodbye for now! And I will occasionally be replying to comments or people on here so watch out for that! Thank you again. I love you guys and with that I'm out-Olivia <3 xx