
          	My mom took me out today to get my hair pressed (omg it’s so long now!!) and I got chickflia chicky nuggys and macaroni and I heard a bunch of gossip at the saloon but that’s not the point. Anyways on the ride back home my mom started talking to me about the time I called her a bitch blah blah blah when we got back home she showed me how to wrap my hair and after a bit of shy ‘uh…uh..’s’ I told her I was sorry and she told me it’s ok because she shouldn’t have called me out of my name either and now if I want my phone back I just have to watch 3 hours of class (my religion) about why cussing is bad!!


And now I only have to worry about my dad so yayyy again :))


She’s not really mean she just gets mad sometimes Also she didn’t tell my dad becuse she hand enough time to calm down!


Alsoooooo I have my phone back and she didn’t delete or see anything yayyy


Hey there! Love werewolves, mystic adventures, the quest for love and heart pounding action and battle? Then I got just what you need!
          The Magiverse Chronicles: Love & Silver

          Blurb: Diego Rameriz is a man on a mission, he is out to end the Lycanthro-Phage Virus, the scourge of the werewolf race. Now why would human do this you ask? Altruism aside, he seeks Liz Vandalia, Alpha werewolf who just happens to be his mate. She banished him in fear nine years ago. Now, as a biochemist, Diego works to create a vaccine against the LPV not only for all werewolves, but also because he hopes his mate will return to him.
          Liz Vandalia, Alpha of the Silver Fangs pack, had lived a life of near isolation, burdened by the pressures of her mantle, until she met Diego. Unfortunately, when the LPV took her for the first time, she scarred her mate, and had to let him go. Nine years later, she is the beloved leader of her pack, yet it is not enough without her mate. So, when he shows up with the promise she never thought possible, how can she not risk her heart for the hope of all werewolves?  
          To make the vaccine, the two will need each other, their bond and a group of fanatic human worshipers who would see the vaccine destroyed. Easy, right?


          My mom took me out today to get my hair pressed (omg it’s so long now!!) and I got chickflia chicky nuggys and macaroni and I heard a bunch of gossip at the saloon but that’s not the point. Anyways on the ride back home my mom started talking to me about the time I called her a bitch blah blah blah when we got back home she showed me how to wrap my hair and after a bit of shy ‘uh…uh..’s’ I told her I was sorry and she told me it’s ok because she shouldn’t have called me out of my name either and now if I want my phone back I just have to watch 3 hours of class (my religion) about why cussing is bad!!


And now I only have to worry about my dad so yayyy again :))


She’s not really mean she just gets mad sometimes Also she didn’t tell my dad becuse she hand enough time to calm down!


Alsoooooo I have my phone back and she didn’t delete or see anything yayyy


Bruh my mom said this thing where on Feb 15 we all (me and my 3 brothers) get like 500 dollars but since I called her a stupid bitch or was 'being disrespectful' to her she's considering not giving me any. Idk I feel like I should apologize but she still hasn't apologized to me about anything. I didn't even know about that. Should I apologize now? I feel weird about it


My brother just broke our bed. He literally jumped onto it full body weight TWICE and it hit the floor. I mean that happened like 2 weeks ago but bro. Last night the bed went lower then normal and can't be fixed anymore my mom's gonna be so mad T_T


Here's a good way to hide a phone guys (especially if your not supposed to have one)
          1. In your underwear. Idc how weird it sounds if you have tight (briefs pantys etc) then it will work just make it not noticeable it you have a small phone even better 
          2. If you wear some type of bonnet or anything that covers your hair hide it in there it works best if your hair is down so its not questionable on why there's a big lump in it.
          3. Pillow cases if your doing it at night
          4. In your bra (this one works really well if your bras aren't super lose)
          5. Last but not least anywhere near you. Especially if your parents are closer by depending where you are hide it in the best place possible. Also learn to listen for their footsteps etc.


Bruh I can't wait to get a job when I turn 16 it's so annoying waiting like 2-4 years for a job so I can finally buy my own stuff. Luckily have 17 dollars and got a 20 from my third oldest brother for doing his home work So now I have 37 dollars! :)


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Oh shit wait does this mean my mom might tell me 'no! I'm not letting you buy a phone!' if she does I'm gonna be mad at bro


Good news is is that my mom didn't completely turn off my phone forever. She just keeps it in her purse and makes me do duolingo. Should I apologize about calling her a stupid bitch. I'm so embarrassed I don't want to be seen by my step-dad or mom. I'm kinda shy in a lot of departments and im not very good with words. Also good news I might be going to my dad's house with my brothers so it won't be so bad. my step-mom there is nice I think.


Oh and also my real dad's like 40 and he wants more kids  like no bookie pleaseee dont. I would feel awful for my unborn half siblings if they hatched and my dad whooped them like he does to us four :(


Not my mom not letting me use black nail polish T_T it's like the only thing that looks good on me. She for some reason thinks 'satanist' use it 


Yeah I feel bad for the good christians who gets bunched up with the bad ones it's also kinda stupid to think that logo is satanic T_T it looks like a wolf bruh ::sob::


            Like she claims to be a Christian but she does the opposite of what Christian’s do and it makes me sad because their are so many loving Christian’s out there but they get bunched with the shitty ones :(


            I painted the wolf pack logo (104st battalion from the clone wars) on my wall and my mother had nerve to ask me if I was a devil worshipper , can relate. 


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Wanna hear an even better story chat? 1/4/2025 I wanted to bake with my mom and wanted to make edible cookie dough and we were sitting at the table getting things ready when she looked at my phone (I was on YouTube) and saw my profile pic (it was a mango with the pansexual flag) and asked me why who I was talking too (I was replying to someone) I told her none and she grabbed my phone and went onto my channel and saw everything in my bio (it said I was a furry, pansexual, and gender-fluid) she asked what it was and I told her it was pretty words that I liked (bruh ::skull face::) she didn't buy it at all and started looking up the words as she walked to the living room with me trailing behind her. She sat on the couch and started ranting about how I can't be a police officer and what not and that I can't one day be a boy and then the next a girl when I'm on my period then she proceeded to tell me how 'people like me' don't make it in the world blah blah blah then she told me to get out of her face and the next day she deleted all my gmails and then put me on family link (fuck you Google :() and now i only got youtube kids and can barely do anything with my old phone it's so laggy oml ::sob::


Basically bubble gum balls baking and lasgna is ruined for me now.


This was a pretty vague explanation of what happened