
          	The Advice Column is looking for new Advisors and Editors to join our team! If you like giving advice or proofreading (or both), check out our Application Form:
          	And we encourage asking questions. If You'd like more information before applying, PM us with "APP QUESTION" at the head of your message. 
          	-TAC Team


Hey are you guys still online


@F-F-FUCKIE Hello, 
            Yes we are. Feel free to follow the instructions in our most recent book to submit your advice request.
            -TAC Team 


          Hello everyone! 
          The Advice Column is looking for new advisors and editors to join our team. If you like what you see on our page and want to try your hand at it, please fill out our Application Form:
          The form includes more information about both available positions, and we are happy to answer questions personally if you PM us with the title "APP QUESTION" at the beginning of your message.
          We hope to hear from you!
          -TAC Team


          Hey, it's me again. My request partially comes back into contact with my first request but there are other things involved. So, fro context, I have autism and I am heavily emotional. Most of the time I'm calm. But my entire life, my mom has tried to keep my negative emotions at bay. So inside, I feel really bad and insecure about myself. From my LGBTQ identity to things I like that I know I would get judged for, such as Gacha, I feel mentally traumatized from my mom and dads' actions, and it's begun to stir up into genuine hatred towards my family. I know it's wrong, but I need some advice and you were the first person/people I could think of. Can you please help me? I would really appreciate it.


@jup1txr It's no problem! We didn't say anything last time, so it's alright, no hard feelings ;)


@The-Advice-Column Thanks! I thought I did, but I guess I accidentally didn't. I just tried to do what I did last time.


@jup1txr Hello! We'll get on this request.  Please send us a PM next time though! This helps us keep track of our requests. 


          For context, I am a Male-to-Female transgender, bisexual/pan (can't figure out which) and poly. I want to come out of the closet, but everyone I know is heavily homophobic. I do live in a heavily religious town. My parents are homophobic. My classmates are homophobic. Nearly everyone I know is homophobic. Can you please give me some advice on coming out?


          I'm scared to get close and have friends because all of my past experiences with friends are horrible. They used to bully me. And in this school all of the people are really violent and kind of off minded. They also hint at things that they've plotted murder. I just don't want to get too close to be betrayed and let down like everyone else I've been friends with.


@XDXDcringemasterXDXD Hi! Please check your Direct Messages. We have messaged you over there regarding your advice. Take care!
            -The Advice Column Team 


Welcome to 2022, everyone! (A little late, we know) We look forward to another year of advising and interacting with you lovely readers. Please tell us your goals and/or resolutions for the year in the comments below!  
          And of course, if you have anything you'd like personal advice on, check out the Guidelines under our book, "The Advice Column IV".


@blue_hielo Hi there, friend! Sounds like a great resolution. Keep it up! Thank you for reading!


For my resolution, I'd like to lose some weight. 10 pounds at least...
             Also, thanks for giving us all great advice. I'm so glad you decided to invest your time in helping us. Happy New Year!