Hello there The-All-Eternal yah can I post a a quote real quick
"Doktah is the Last Remaining Survivor of the Standard Extinct SciFi Precursor Civilisation of Arknights. Bro is literally a genius in the context of a Type 3 interstellar civilization, is over 13000 years old, has blood that can heal others, and makes instant noodles by eating the dry noodles and drinking boiling water. Oh, and literally invented Originium, the mcguffin impossible substance that the entire game is based around and is also a tiberium-type resource that spreads endlessly and unchecked, will eliminate the biosphere of the whole planet to turn it into more of itself. He's also immune to Oripathy, and he's canonically such a genius tactician that he's been described as the only player on a chess board of inanimate pieces."
I'm posting this because you are the only one that seems to write arknight lore and I wanna confirm of this is real or not