Almost here...

Hi everyone! Guess whose back?! Wow, I don't know where to start. Um...some very interesting things have happened from the last part of 2022 up till now, January of 2023. I kinda just fell off the face of the earth, sorry about that. Let's just say things got a little rocky for a while but I'm very proud to say that I'm better than ever and I'll be making a comeback to the platform soon. MEANING....MY ALPHA UPDATE COMING SOON! AND... possible a new book....(will see ;)) I appreciate everyone for continuing to support me and show my content love and joy. There's gonna be a lot to catch up on as I start to get back into the swing of writing. I will be posting an update to My Alpha soon, although I'm not sure when but, I promise you that the update will be out within the following week if not this week. Thank you all so much, lovelies. My love is strong, -The-Comic-Writer

Hey author will you update My Alpha..?!

Hello! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has continued to read My Alpha and bearing with me. I know that there's no way to tell when I'm going to make an update and a lot of the time the updates are just random as hell. So just thank you all for sticking with me and the book! It means a lot to me! It does! And even if you haven't read My Alpha or know me well! Still Thank you for reading my work! It means a lot! Every day I'm so grateful for all the support and love I get! I love reading comments (as many of you are quite funny and encouraging) Also genuinely, from the bottom of my heart...Thank you for existing. Thank you for being alive. Thank you for being you, and thank you for everything! See you guys soon~ -The-Comic-Writer

It's been really long and I just updated My Alpha. I think I need cuddles now

@The-Comic-Writer *big ass virtual cuddles given to you* I do not use wattpad as much so sorry for replying so late to this but there.

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THIS IS IMPORTANT PLEASE READ!! PLEASE! 안녕하세요, Okay, so I know I've been away...for more than a month a WAYYYYYY longer than I ever thought I'd be from the platform, I wish I would have given you guys a reason for why I would be gone for so long but honestly, shit just hit the fan in my personal life and so many things just happened all at once, starting from mid-February all the way through March. I also wish I had given an update during that time, just to let you guys know that I'm still around but not really. Sorry about that :) I'll be completely honest with you guys cuz that's what you lovelies deserve... I've been on Wattpad for quite some time and I got to see and know some of the BEST writers of all time leave all for different reasons; people like @jikooktrash_help, @JikookProductions,@btsrockz2,@em34jaebum and many more...and I'm gonna be completely honest, I MIGHT be leaving the platform soon. MIGHT! Just MIGHT! I'm not quite sure yet. I want further time to think through it. I love you guys though, as you all have my heart! And many of you have become like family to me, just know I'm thinking about it... ANYWAY....(let's get that out of the way for a moment)....I will be trying my best to finish up MY ALPHA. And I have been thinking about starting a new book. If I do start a new book it will be Jenlisa (not a smut one shot though). So yeah. Thank you guys for always being here with me. I love you all, I mean it. I'm always so grateful to you guys, I really am. I love you ALLLLLL!

@The-Comic-Writer I have been using wattpad rarely for more than 2 years now and have also fallen out of K-pop (moved on to other fandoms, still an ARMY in my heart ) and seeing this made me think about how life really goes on. If you're leaving this platform, I wish the best for you in life and I thank you for all the works you've written, I had such a fun time reading and re-reading your books! (I wish I could do it all for the first time again ). ❤️❤️❤️

Well… i really love how you write. I hope that you’ll be able to at least finish MY ALPHA but if you can’t don’t force yourself ♥️ if you’ll leave the platform I’ll miss your writing but at least I’m happy that I was able to read your ffs so if you leave then thank u for writing so beautifully for us and yourself. Stay safe and be happy

@minreix Hello, I'm sorry but I don't allow translations. Sorry

Instagram under bio

Finally I got the next part of My Alpha out. Honestly took way longer than I thought due to the fact that I had lots of things going on this moment. I hope you all enjoy it. ps. I may be making a new Jenlisa book