
We're back, baby. ~Ginga


*Sigh* People always claim to be better than someone at something... then they get proven wrong...
          But usually they'll make some lame excuse...


Ya, well i already talked about starwars battlefront in my bio,so it is implied that i am talking about the same thing!


@Axis_firnen29 Make sure you clarify..... Star wars battlefront... not just battlefront.....


i'm still better than anyone at battlefront no matter what people say.


******  Here is the rest of Firnen's bio*******   I guarantee that you will love it if you stick through it!  If you don't like it, then you can punch me in the face!  That's how good the show is!  Now, I could talk about the show for a couple more paragraphs but; i don't want to spoil it for you.  So, i'll talk about school.  ( I know, school is usually boring, and you are probably reading this at school on your phone; but not everything about school is bad!)  ( and i'm not talking about break or lunch!)  I'm taking anatomy this year, and it is awesome.  The teacher doesn't care where you sit, she doesn't assign homework, and we get to color in class every day!  Can science get any better than that!  Now to the next topic...  ( I know, you probably feel like your reading a book because this bio is so long.  Well, if you want to understand any of the awesome stories that we write, then you should know about us.  If you don't, then they might not make very much sense.)  Airsoft.  I love to play it.  It's very fun, and i'm very good at indoor arenas.  ( sadly, I don't have any good outdoor guns yet  :( .)  So, if you have any questions, or if you want to hear a story from me, then just ask me at @Axis_firnen29 .  Thanks for reading all this!  :)