Make milkshakes, they said. Boys will come to your yard, they said.

Hey guys! It seems you've come across our yard. Fancy a milkshake, perhaps?

Members of the Milkshake Gang-

@Paix-Amour: "I'm lactose intolerant"
@PomegranateAddict: "I can bake, I can cook, but the milkshakes I make can't bring all the boys to the yard"
@Sing4Peace: "Being awkward can either make you or break you. It makes you if you take your awkwardness and make it funny to others like a comedian. It breaks you if you are too awkward to support a normal life. Let's just say, I am not a comedian."
@supersecretninja: "milkshake boy made me a milkshake"
@TylerArtist: "I hate it when I'm making a milkshake and all the boys show up in my yard."
@xoxoSierraxoxo: "One does not simply BECOME a milkshake. One must simply put ice cream on their head and say 'I am now a milkshake'.
  • JoinedJanuary 2, 2015


Stories by The-Milkshake-Gang
In the Yard by The-Milkshake-Gang
In the Yard
welcome to the milkshake gang this is our yard.