OK.... its been a long time since I have been on here as an writer. I can promise you with the deepest parts of my heart that I want to finish this book. I will finish this book. Its been almost 2 years since the last part, and I feel really bad about that. I have had the longest streak of writers block I have ever had, and work keeps me pretty busy now a days. So, for the last couple months, I have spent a lot of my free time (which isn't a lot) reading and rereading books that I read in the past, trying to get back into the groove of things.
I don't even know if you guys still care about this book or not, I mean, its been 2 years.... I need to know if you want to see this story through to the ending, maybe it will give me the push I need to finish it.
I cant promise the rest will be up to expectations, goodness knows im no where near as skilled as other writers of this topic, but I want to do good by you all who have read my book.
Please give me feedback if you can, I need to know if you want me to continue, or if I should just start over with a new book.