
Guys.. 1,000 views. I'm utterly speechless right now. The votes, the positive feedback that I receive from you all, it's a debt that I don't know how to repay. So all I can say is thank you all so much for everything. You guys have constantly given me the drive to continue writing and  posting.


Guys.. 1,000 views. I'm utterly speechless right now. The votes, the positive feedback that I receive from you all, it's a debt that I don't know how to repay. So all I can say is thank you all so much for everything. You guys have constantly given me the drive to continue writing and  posting.


Now that I have more time to write, I wanna give you guys a layout of what I may plan on writing after this (I don't know interested you may be about it). There will in fact be a sequel to this fic, but I also have to horror story ideas that I am cleaning up at the moment. And if these both go well, I have a novel idea as well that I'm debating going through with. Again, idk how interested in this you may be, but I like to look to the future, even if I sound ambitious.
          Anyways, thanks for reading. Love you all!!


Also, seeing as I think I'm about halfway done with The Wolf and the Dragon; I want to start looking to the future and what I should write next. I plan on possibly writing a sequel to this eventually, but I am definitely open to suggestions from all of you. If you want to send me a prompt or suggestion as to what I should do next, leave a comment or inbox me with your idea. I will also make sure to acknowledge anyone's idea, so don't worry about that. I'm really looking for more inspiration, so this will be a huge help to me. 
          Anyways, thanks for any ideas and I hope you enjoy the story so far.


Hey everyone!! I just want to take a moment to thank all of you for taking the time to read The Wolf and The Dragon. All of your views, votes, and positive comments have just made me so happy and inspired because now I know that whenever I post a new chapter, there are people out there who will read it and actually (hopefully) enjoy what I've written. You all have given me the drive to keep writing and feel confident about my writing ability. So thank you from the  bottom of my heart and I love you all so much!
          (Ps. No I am not writing this because I'm trying to suck up to you and get more views, this is a genuine thank you from me to all of you.)


200 VIEWS!!!  I HAVE 200 VIEWS!! 
          Guys, let me just say that when I saw this, I was shocked to say the least. The fact that you all took the time to read this.. Words can't describe how grateful and happy I am. Thank you so so much for your votes and the amazing comments that I have received. I promise that I will do a better job updating more often.
          Again, thank you all from the bottom of my heart and I hope you continue to read my works.
          I love you guys!!


Hey guys, I know I said that I was going to post the first chapter of Bloody Bethany about a week ago, but now I don't think that's going to happen for a while. I think I'm going to wait until I finish The Wolf and the Dragon, bur I have done a rough draft for Bloody Bethany, but it still needs a lot of work. So anyways, bear with me and thanks for reading!