If you haven't seen "Thirteen" (The 100 Season 3 episode 7), don't read below, until you've seen it! SPOILERS!
So, I currently visited Jason's (Rothenberg aka the producer) twitter account and I saw a lot of people calling the writers and the producer racists, anti-lgbts and a lot more. I also saw even more people saying the want to quit the show because of Lexa's death. Personally I am a hardcore Bellarke fan, but I didn't dislike Clexa for no other than being the reason of my ship being boycotted. Eliza and Alyssa had great chemistry, but in my mind they never had a future for a simple reason. Lexa was a Commander and a Commander of a long line of others who were killed because of thousands of enemies. Lexa was going to get killed sooner or later, because no one lives forever while having a position of power. Regardless, I believe they could have given the Clexa fans more time before they killed her off. Then again, her being in "Fear of The Walking Dead" might have been an issue too.
So give me your opinions on the following. Lexa is dead, indeed, but do you think that for whatever reason she was killed the fans should stop watching the show? Where does the argument of the show being none supporting of LGBT comes from? Miller and Bryan are a gay couple and I don't see the show undermining their relationship.
I would love to hear your opinions!