
Just posted a new lil imagine (see chapter 1 of Harry Styles Imagines/Blurbs) as a thank you for 500k+ reads! Love you all<3


@Harrehornuh Hey there! I literally just saw this, haha! thank you SO VERY MUCH for your seriously kind words! I can't believe you've reread all of them, wow! Very flattered, and very happy you have enjoyed them so much:):) Of course we can be friends!


          I just wanted to let you know that I love your stories. You seem to capture the genuine character of the lads, and write about more realistic situations, or write in a realistic way that is really refreshing compared to most imagines and fanfictions. I honestly wish more people wrote like you. I just wanted to encourage you to keep writing because you're very good!


Heey there, 
          I wanted to let you know how much I love your imagines/blurbs book of Harry Styles. It is by far my favorite imagines book of Harry because I feel like that his personality is beautiful written in many situations in your chapters. Whatever he's doing he never loses the fact that he's an sweet, caring, very silly, dry jokes (I'm an sucker for dry humour) and after all that, of course an amazing singer /performer. The way he falls on stage is just too funny yet perfect. 
          ANYWAYS BACK TO YOU.. your interpretation of Harry's personality in your imagines are truly amazing and I love reading it, so keep up with the good work love xx
          Much love from me, 
          Dutch directioner who happens to be an Harry's girl. X


@ XxCupcake  I'm really happy that my comment made you this happy hihihi. And I'll respond to your private message tomorrow because as much as i loved to talk you, here in the Netherlands it's 7.15 AM and i still need to sleep hahah, but just know that I usually read your book and fall asleep all tingly and happy. 
            But I'll explain further tomorrow. For now, have a great day or night idk what time zone you're in but again, thank you so much for writing the way you do! 
            love you xx


@XxCupcake P.p.s. Also I just want to reiterate how for reals this is one of the sweetest, most thoughtful messages I've ever received. Dang girl, you know how to get me right in the feels. You're just TOO KIND. Love you<3


P.s. I'm a sucker for dry humor too. Like... so much. Not that you could tell with my writing... ;)


Just posted a new lil imagine (see chapter 1 of Harry Styles Imagines/Blurbs) as a thank you for 500k+ reads! Love you all<3


@Harrehornuh Hey there! I literally just saw this, haha! thank you SO VERY MUCH for your seriously kind words! I can't believe you've reread all of them, wow! Very flattered, and very happy you have enjoyed them so much:):) Of course we can be friends!


Hey Girl/Dude! 
            Just gotta say I'm LOVIN' ur Harry Styles Imagines. You gotta real knack at writing and creating cute ideas for imagines! Keep it up, and hopefully I'll see more parts whenever they're ready. 
            Take your time updating though! Parts of stories and imagines age like fine wine, creating it for a while and, in this case, publish it when its at its peak of perfection. lol i don't know anything about wine, since I'm not old enough to drink, it just sounded cool in my mund lol  
            I'm so tired lmao  
            Well, anyways, good job and keep it up!♡
          - Falling4_HarryStyles 


@Falling4_HarryStyles You are the LITERAL sweetest. Thank you so very much for your kind words-- I think you're actually the first person to comment on my profile! It seriously means a lot that you took the time to write such lovely things:)  And thank you also for your understanding about updating. It means so much to me to know people read my silly little ramblings in the first place, then to know that they LIKE them is huge, and then to also know that I've got your support whether or not I'm popping new stuff out quickly is just... well it makes my heart all kinds of happy. Keep being lovely<3


Hey loves! Just wanted to make sure you all know that when I update the Harry imagines, I shift all the new ones to the top. So if you're looking for the new imagines, check right after the cover page and you'll find them. All my other books other than imagines work normally, latest chapter at the end. Much love<3