Hey could you make a story about Percy Jackson being reborn as Desmond miles
in the Assassins creed universe in this story Desmond Miles never left the assassin compound on his sixteen birthday instead he went on his first mission to obtain Apples of Eden from an Abstergo storage facility and never used the animus in his entire life reborn in 1987 March 13 and had no memory of his past life as Percy Jackson. So from March 13, 2003 on her 16th birthday to December 21, 2012 Desmond Miles was a legendary assassin who hadmany achievements such as (retrieved the apples of Eden ,shrouds of Eden ,staffs of Eden,swords of Eden ,trident of Eden ,crystal skulls ,scepter of Aset,Ankh,precursor box,Voynich Mansuscript all from storage facilities
also ended Phoenix project and the eye of abstergo
But also ended the war with the Templars and ended and The instruments of the first and defeated Juno and prevented the solar flare by using one of of the Apples of Eden and it breaks the laws of physics sending Desmond Miles back to the Olympian universe)
Desmond Miles his abilities were a master strategist, tactician, swordsman, and archer, and Hacker The reason why Percy Jackson was reborn as Desmond Miles is because he was framed for a crime he didn't commit and was betrayed by everyone except Thalia grace
Who was with Percy and Who was in love with Percy Jackson also Desmond was mature than he was this person Jackson and never had a relationship as as Desmond miles also when he goes back to the Olympian universe only been seven months The crime The crime Percy Jackson was frame for takes place after the Apollo trials