Chapter 47 is up! It's short, since I technically wrote it tonight -___- I really wish I had made a timeline of all the events so I can keep track—but that would be long and arduous and I'm still not done unpacking from the most recent move. I hope you all like the new covers!
I know that SoS seems sloppily written—that's probably because there's so many changes I want to make to the original drafts, but I can't since I'm putting it up online for you guys xD I'm working on revising the first book with my entire plot in mind because I wrote most of it while winging it, but if I do that, the second book will be very different. Since I'm working towards the ideal of publishing it, then even BoF will be very different. But you guys got first view :D Hope you like it so far.
Anyway, I'm working on that one chapter preview of Queen Merianne's life—or at least, a snippet of it :P Hope to update again soon before summer school starts.
ALSO, since I'm putting BoF for the Watty Awards, I hope you all will be there to support me x) good night!