@AsherTheKookabura You were a judge too. Do me a favor. Pretend you're judging paranormal/supernatural. Go look at the two covers and tell me how you would score them and address their genre relevance without mentioning BTS. Then look at the blurbs and tell me if you would be enticed as a supernatural/paranormal reader/judge to pick up the books on the blurbs alone. Those were the factors I had to judge and score.
I don't care what people like to write and who they write it for, and I don't care who likes those writings. I don't have anything against BTS fans at all - to each their own.
I write dark romance for dark romance lovers, I don't pretend to pitch my stories in categories they have no chance in.
My point is, the stories in question were written by people who love BTS, who spun creative tales with their idols in mind, for the people who love to read stories about their idols, BUT those stories were not written for the general supernatural/paranormal audience. And placing them in a category with stories written specifically for the category, with a judge judging on category adherence and appeal to a reader, well, it felt like a mistake.
I stand by what I've said, and why I've said it - yes, the wording could have been different, but the statements would have been the same. People can hate on me all they want, but they need to remember that all participants in the award, myself included in two categories, put our writing on the line to be judged by a person who might not like our stories for whatever reason.