✦ I αm ζευς ✦ 


✘ Do not spam me.

✘ Do not be a bully.

✘ Do not have conversations on my message board without me; it's rude.

✘ Please use proper grammar and spelling; my admin write stories. She is a grammar nazi. And she will be on your ass about it -or simply stop responding. Typos are understandable, but if you continue to do it, then she will point it out.

✘ Your character is NOT stronger than me.

✘ You are welcome to speak with both my admin ((Me.)) and I.

✘ Beware, I'm a dick. A man-whore. An egotistical ass. And I really don't care what you think. If you get offended by something I say, you are welcome to tell me and I might apologize. But don't expect it. I can also be very rude and crude. It's in my nature, so get over it.

✘ Role Playing in third person is easier; but I will respond with both, depending on what you send me first.


((Admin Shit:

☪ My name is Ashley.

☪ For those of you who don't know me, I have many other accounts on here but these are my main two: @CloudedSkies and @Serayna

☪ I'm almost eighteen. In college. And despite my lack of a social life, I can get pretty busy with school and trying to work on updates for my other profiles. I'm also not used to getting so many messages that demand my immediate attention; so if I don't respond right away, don't take it personal. ))


➢ Failure to abide by my admin's rules and conditions will result in immediate expulsion from my page. If you fight, you will be blocked. It's as simple as that.
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  • JoinedNovember 27, 2013

Last Message
TheAlmightyZeus TheAlmightyZeus Dec 08, 2013 03:04AM
@Brianna_Babii ((I'm not responding to pm right now. Sorry.))
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