
The next Zombiestuck chapter is on the way with a multitude of other updates, as well as something new I've been working on. Also, I've created a new writing prompt blog exclusively for angsty prompts on tumblr if you'd be interested in that. It's @timetowrecksomefeels.


For the DP×GF fanfiction would it be ok if I adapted the story? Like may I make a adaptation of it? (with credit to you of course) if you don't want me to post it I won't.


I mean I already have it but do you want me to post it? All credit with the idea and the first 2 chapters


Hi,see I wanted to read a story in which:
          Percy is affected by tartarus. He will act like his normal self but Annabeth knew something was wrong, so when annabeth and Percy go to scout, annabeth get hurt and Percy gets angry and starts killing the monster badly. Annabeth later tries to ask him why he is so off
          She is a little scared when she mentions it and then Percy and annabeth have a bad argument then Percy starts crying and tell her he is afraid of his resentment and they make up.


Aight guys, I am back, and this time it's fully! So you all need to kick my ass and make me write, okay? I owe you all some updates! Love you guys! <3


questo messaggio potrebbe essere offensivo
Hi guys! Wow, I've been gone literally forever??? I swear it's not because I've been lazy though!! You can blame some complicated family shit for that, which is still kinda going on, so this isn't me finally coming back or anything. I just wanted to check in and say that I love all you guys so much, thank you for continuing to vote and comment and follow me even when I haven't updated anything for months. I don't deserve you all! I promise that I'll try to write some more and maybe even update here and there if and when I get the chance. And I'll definitely have stuff for you when I'm back for good! Thanks again for your continued support!