
Wow...I just realized that Matryoshka has over a thousand views. I should probably update it soon.


your status. so clever :o


I did a dramatic telling of puns. It was really just a play on words...


@hedgehahg Alrighty then...(I think it would be considered wordplay?Even I'm not sure...)


Thank you. That's a good example of what happens when I start playing with words in my head. A bad example would be "Punappreciated" :)


I wanted to thank you for writing such amazing works. You're a brilliant writer; I know you (probably) won't stop, but let me say it anyways: don't stop!
          Also, I love your background!
          And yay, you like graphic design! Me too!
          I'll see you around! ^_^


Also your profile picture is just so stinkin' cute...


Oh wow.../)///u///(\ You have no idea how happy words like these make me. Thank you so much!!!!!! :) I don't plan on stopping anytime soon...
            Un! It's from one of my (many) favorite songs from one of my (few) favorite artists!
            Cool! It's a really nice hobby/profession to try and get into...


Ah, I see. That always happens when I hear foreign languages. It doesn't even matter which one. It's getting better with my French, though.
          (Good job! That always feels great.^^)
          It definitely is! There are a lot of websites that are very Japanese-oriented, though. Wanikani,Textfugu, and Tofugu, Lang-8, reddit subforums. There's one called koohii or something, too. (I'm too lazy to look it up, lol.) But it nice to talk to somebody outside of that, you know? Hahaha
          Ah, it was exciting seeing the Japanese poem on your profile. I did a total double take lol.


That even happens to me in english...I start thinking about something someone has said and then get lost in my own tracks of thought. Sometimes I'm very actively engaging in a conversation only to realize that I actually haven't said a word at all.
            Oooh, a kanji dictionary! *excited*
            Ah, that would be pretty cool!  がんばってよ !


Yes! It is the absolute worst with spoken practice for me, haha. It's like, part way through listening to something, I'll be like, " the hell can I understand this?" and then I won't be able to follow anything anymore, lol.
            Lang-8 is the best thing ever, I promise. You're likely to come across a lot more kanji on there, but is a really helpful dictionary for that.(:
            Ah, すごいだろう〜!わたし も にほんご を かいて よい ね、w。If I can come up with anything.(;


Haha, glad to know I'm not the only one with that problem.
            (うん! うれしいだよ!)   
            Ah! I think I've heard of Lang-8! :) I'm glad too...
            Haha, after I posted it my wattpad page was in Japanese for a while...


あ、いい よ、いい よ!It's rather hard to read long sentences that are just blocks of solid kana anyway.
          I was saying I don't know many people (outside of Lang-8 and such, that is) that speak Japanese, and that it's fine that you don't know very much kanji, since I know my kana.^^ I also mentioned that since I haven't practised much lately, this ought to be good for my Japanese.
          はずかしくなく なって ください ね。(:


Haha, my english brain gets overwhelmed when I try to function in a different language for too long...The same thing happens with Spanish...
            Ahhh!(I recognized a few words out of that...So I guess I can't be totally upset with myself.) Yeah, it's definitely hard to find people to practice with, I was so ecstatic when I saw a Japanese post on my profile! Kind of like..."うわあああ!にほんご です!"