
Still no updates! JUST KILL ME! ;-; Well anyway with presidents weekend here now I'm sick and I'll be stuck at home for about a week or so So yay! There MIGHT be updates. I just can never find the time, I have too many hobbies ;-;. BUT For this week I'm putting Photography to the side! I'm going to make somekind of update! PROMISE! ;-;


Still no updates! JUST KILL ME! ;-; Well anyway with presidents weekend here now I'm sick and I'll be stuck at home for about a week or so So yay! There MIGHT be updates. I just can never find the time, I have too many hobbies ;-;. BUT For this week I'm putting Photography to the side! I'm going to make somekind of update! PROMISE! ;-;


So winter break has come and still no up dates ive re written the first chapter of OurDayOfDownFall but its going though with my writing teacher and my editors(friends) so might be a while but I might release a holiday special so when I do, enjoy I guess...


Underline MIGHT Sorry Everyone...  (っ- ‸ – ς) Sorry


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Okay you guys, I dont even know if you care but im sorry I have no idea when the next update is coming right now I have school to focus on to add to that, im also currently attending manga classes thanks to an amazing art teacher and I also have cooking, computer and photography classes im sorry I might not be able to update until like summer... break is coming up so maybe I can get a update in during that time. My schedule isnt just going to classes either im a very busy person and soon im even starting some quick money work... IVE ONLY JUST TURNED 13 PLEASE GIVE MEH TIME TO UPDATE I CANT HANDLE EVERYTHING AT ONCE! *Cries in corner* besides I only feel like writing at night... idk but at night I feel in the mood to make a story and detail it or kill characters yeah sorry all this crap is about to drive me insane, although I am dead inside so that helps. XD heh heh kill me pls


@TheAnimeDragon75  Thanks XD Its just the school I go to offers programs like that... 


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@TheAnimeDragon75 okaiii!!! I'm 13 too! :3 no fair!! I wish I get manga classes 'n shit!!


Well... Now I know where you live xD


Don't worry tho! I'm a lazy person ;) *wink*


@Suzen4u Muhahahaha!! >;3 


@Suzen4u that moment when you realize that you accidentally put tracking mode on... ;-;


Okay! So I'm REwriting 'Our Day of Downfall' also i might change the name. (Not sure yet) But you'll find I'm REwriting a lot of things but I'm going to try and update on the weekends. If I can, I'm still in school and recently that's been taking up all my time but the weekends I might be able to update. Sorry about the wait... ;-;  Sadly I can't do everything at once if I could I'd publish the other 30000000 stories ideas I have...


OKAY! So a crap load of stuff has been happening so sorry if your waiting for an update cause IDK which or when something is going to be updated. But! I've unpublished Our Day of Downfall, I'm going to fix up the chapters cause when I wrote that. Um... I WAS REALLY BAD AT WRITING! But I'm okay now so going to fix that first! 