@Bre2k9 But the only reason I found the OTHER admin is because I spent a good twenty minutes digging - and hitting dead ends - looking for them. And the admin is active online.
Therefore, if they're active, they must be fine. The one has basically abandoned this contest - not because they haven't handed out the prizes, no, I don't care about that anymore, but we can get to that after - since there's not a single sign saying that they give a damn.
I seriously don't give a DAMN about getting my prizes anymore, and I'm quite happy that I won, actually. I don't know what category you've entered, but I hope you won something as well for the sake of being able to say that you did.
Anyways, what I care about is respect. Many contestants entered, had to wait far too long without word about the winners or losers, and now have to wait again to get what they've earned. With, once again, not a single word. Not one sentence. I understand it takes time to do these things, but, seriously. As I stated, it takes less than 6 minutes to post a message.
So, before YOU get all huffy and angsty, please consider WHY @XxKawaii_GoddessxX and I are constantly posting messages and are angry. We want the respect of at LEAST getting a "Hello, sorry it's been a while!" so we know they're actually there.
Have a nice bloody day, and if you have anything more to say to me or Jhonni, you can DM me. I'd rather keep my angry notes up front on this board so they can see it as soon as they open the app.