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Hello everyone. This is TheAnimefangirl99's new account, Randomotaku99. Why do I have a new account? A couple years back, when I was posting on my old account(TheAnimefangirl99), Wattpad decided to be a ***hat and not let me back into my old account. So, I had to create a new one, and I've been on the new one ever since. I advise you to check out my new account(Randomotaku99) rather than my old one, since it has better stuff(actual fanfics and semi lit RPing-)on it than my old one. I can't even go back to read my old cringey works on my old account...but hey, I had to start somewhere. If you want proof that it's actually me; I had lots of hetalia OC's. My main ones were Beijing and Maine. Beijing had a panda named Bamboo but he died, so she got two new ones named Keai Xiu and Bamboo jr. She was shipped with DTK from soul eater. Maine was shipped with N.Italy and had color Changing hair for a while. Oh, i also had a SE OC named DTG who was DTK's sister and fell asleep every two minutes. (I don't use these OC's anymore, dun worry-) Anyway, blease check out my new account rather than my old one. Thanks, RO99