
@Volleyball_girl09 aww thanks!! :) hehe, I'll try to post one before summer's over. See you in the fall! 


NOOOOOOO!!!! You can't!!! They are so good! Don't!!!


Thanks for the support, but I've already made up my mind.... I promise to put it back up once I have the confidence... And after I edit it.... 
            When I saw your new username I was like, who is this!? :) LOL
            Love your new username! :)


Hey guys! :)
          So... I'm thinking of taking down my stories....
          Um.... I'm just going to take it down and edit them and hopefully have the confidence to put it back up later in my life...
          Okay, yeah.... That's pretty much it.... 
          See you over the rainbow! :)
          PS. If you got this far to reading the comment, thank you for letting me waste your time on something unimportant! :)