Hello. It's been almost a year since I was last on, much less posted anything. I have since become more invested in the Harry Potter and Boku no Hero Academia fandoms. But I will still be posting Percy Jackson (and possibly seven deadly sins ) stuff. I will from now on be posting on Ao3, which I am now very invested with. I may or may not post actual stories here on Wattpad, probably not. My Ao3 link is on my profile if you're interested. The only reason I am even on Wattpad at all is because I got a notification on discord about a privacy leak at 3 in god forsaken morning. So I apologize if there are mistakes in anything I've written. Also, I'm taking down any personal information about me (including my tag book, so I apologize ) because of recent realizations. So after several months of learning just what it means to be paranoid, especially with this recent thing called Truthfinder that scares me a lot, I have learned that I've been to open about myself. I am now a online introvert that exists for no reason that barely anyone notices. I no longer accept private messages, unless I know you in real life, especially if it involves my personal info.

Can I call you Onee-chan

Merry Christmas!

Up until 4:45 in the morning. I haven't slept because I spent the entire night playing Minecraft with my sister. I need to wake up at 5:00am.

The bowling alley glitched!!! We went bowling for PE today. The bowling thing my team was on started clutching towards my the end. But before it started clutching I got a spare, a strike and 89 points. Then it started glitching, like putting down only a few pins or no pins at all. I still managed to miss most of those. Then it put down none at all and I got a strike. But that strike didn't count because we were starting to pack up as I finished my turn. Damn the pack up time.

My birthday party was supposed to be today. But I got sick on Halloween and I'm still sick. So sad. I missed Halloween and my own birthday...

Hi friends! Back at school @GamerGirl1318. But she already knows that because she's sitting next to me reading over my shoulder as I pretend she's not there.

Count down to my birthday starts today! 6 days left!!!!

I feel like crying. I accidentally fell asleep on the couch and when I woke up it's only been 30 min and everybody's gone! Like my family isn't there and their car is gone. And they left no note or text to tell me where they went! They could have woken me up!!! ... I am like so upset over this, like more than I should be and I don't know why. ... Please, no one respond to this. I just felt like ranting for a moment but now I feel much better.
