Hello all. This is an apology for neglecting my writing over the past few months. I know that (for some crazy reason) you guys like it when I update and give you new material, and that just hasn't been happening lately. My reasons? ~ For a while back in November and December, I was dealing with some pain (both mental and physical) which put me in a spot where I was in no condition to write and when I was, it turned out to be crap. It's kind of been coming back as of late, but not as bad. ~ Work. Work, work, work. I hate it with a passion, both school and otherwise. It leaves me no time and keeps me up until crazy hours. ~ When (wonder of wonders) I happen to have two seconds to myself, I usually try to sleep to make up for the average of four to five hours a night I get. I hope this situation will change, but it doesn't look like it will anytime soon. Please forgive me, and thank you for the understanding. ~Awesomesauce90

@awesomesauce90 don't worry about it! Just take care of yourself, get some sleep, rest, and make sure you're all better! That's the most important thing, not you updating, you being healthy!