Ok, It's me again. I don't know how many of you are still active but I kinda wanna get this out there.
Hi, my name is Ashley Brett Murray, you guys probably better know me as horrorfan76 or theaxisofawesome. Despite whatever age I've told you, I am 15, I turn 16 at the end of this year.
I started this account back in 2015 and I am amazed at how far I got considering the overall low quality of my work. When I started this, I was going through a lot, mainly phases. I was going through my edge-lord 12 year old who is "too mature for his age so I swear every two words because that's what adults do" kind of phase, and that might not be so much reflected through my work, but anyone who talked to me would probably know that. I also lied about my age, a lot. So, I kinda came back here to try and get in touch with some people again and erase the shitstorm that was my work here from the internet. So, this is a kind of "Hey, I didn't end up hanging myself despite constantly threatening to" post, god I was a shitty person. There are more details on how to contact me, if for whatever god-forsaken reason you'd want to, in my rant book.