
to those participants waiting for your numericals, they will be sent out by the start of next week. please hang in there!


hello to the followers i have! i hope the participants are following me, because i'd just like to say that the results are nearly out! forgive me for not doing so yesterday, for i was occupied with a lot of things. please hang in there, we'll get to your results shortly. 
          thank you for understanding!


this is so random and out of the blue but jeongguk's been testing my bias list recently and it's not nice :((((


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right?? fics and cute smiles of his are telling me to bias him but im here like dude ,,,, shut the fuck up let me love yoongles in peace


he really is like I’m over here trying to be loyal to my man tae, and he goes and acts cute. Sorry if this is unprofessional