So, a lot of people have been wondering where I am, and honestly, it’s been a hell of a ride. I don’t know where I last left off, so I’ll just start from January.
The first major thing that happened was my grandma sadly passing away. She basically raised me and it took a massive toll on me. Second, school started back so it was a little hard to update.
In February, I was focusing on classes mainly, and I was dealing with a bit of a financial struggle. I had a lot of things to pay for, Senior and choir wise and I was also helping out with a play.
March, I was going through a lot of things mentally. Because my grandma was such a big influence in my life, it didn’t really hit me until March. Even though I had been having trouble sleeping and whatnot, it didn’t really hit me until March.
And now in April, I’m getting ready to graduate, applying for colleges, trying to find a job, and I had some trips I was going on.
For those who have been wondering where I’ve been, that pretty much sums it up. I know I’ve been slacking on updates...really bad, but I still get notifications for those who leave comments on my stories and it makes me so happy that people are still reading and waiting for updates, even though it’s been MONTHS. I’m very sorry, truly, I am, but school right now is the most important thing and I hope you all understand that.