gaaaah i am back!! hehe it's been too long! thank you to my badass readers who waited patiently (for a year) until i decided to become a couch potato once more and update BFP.
I was wondering if you were going to update BFP because its amazing book and it is killing me not being able to know when they are going to fall in love with each other.
ok sorry for being annoying
gaaaah i am back!! hehe it's been too long! thank you to my badass readers who waited patiently (for a year) until i decided to become a couch potato once more and update BFP.
Hi! :)
~ You've been hugged! The hug challenged was created by @callmepineapple, and it serves to pass on support/hugs to the Wattpad community. ~
You're so nice and kind, and I know that I could definitely go to you for advice. You're such a talented author and you're extremely funny! :)
Check out my new blog You can see all of the plots and my plans for my stories there.
PS I just posted a new chapter for Best Friend Protocol ;) Thank you so much for the support! Xx