
Can anyone recommend new stories please? anything goes' ; teen/romance/non-teen/ humor/..or even werewolf+vampire


Hai, lovely! 
          Welcome to the fanmily, I hope you enjoy being in it! Thank you so much for fanning/following me. I really do appreciate the support! If you have the time, perhaps you can read Amaranth and leave your thoughts? Or you can stop by my message board and start a chat with me whenever:)
          Anyhoo, thanks again!
          Shh. its a secret.
          Secret Keeper.
          PS: Don't be a stranger, come and stop by my board to have a chat with me (or anyone else on the board) whenever you want! :D


@TheBadTouch_ Hi! Hope you're having a good week.. I see you're calling out for new book recommendations.. I do have some written if you'd like to check those out.. There's a bit of a mix there of contemporary romance and some paranormal ones..  As for other writers' books, I'm reading Marriage Made in Heaven by Airambooksie right now ( It's a good mix of paranormal fiction and it's completed and also well-edited. I don't write perfectly myself but I appreciate a book with all the necessary periods and commas.. LOL! =)


Hey, just popped by to say thank you so much for fanning and for reading 'Don't go out in the woods today' I really hope you enjoy reading it. I love your profile reminds me of Nicki Minaj but I'm not sure why :D
          Congratulations on your GCSE results you did better than me haha. Anyway have a nice day, littlepinkcupcake :)