The internet is a place for people to have fun and get away from the outside force. That's the point of having internet. But most people can't even enjoy it. It's the hate that brings some people down. And they still do say mean things like "That's gay", "Their ugly" and stuff like that. I really don't understand the point of them having internet if there just 5 year olds trying to act hard just for attention. They don't even realize how many people their breaking down inside. Most people finish uploading a youtube video that makes there subs feel great, but there's always those few people who try to make the person feel terrible, and to make them stop doing youtube because some other popular youtube channel is 'better' then them. For me better isn't a word, nothing can be 'better' they are all just the same amount of awesome. People who bring hate to the internet need to open there eyes and see how many hearts they shattered. Even though they would say they don't care they really do. Everybody has that niceness inside them and they finally need to let those nice things out instead of acting hard to strangers over the internet, instead of making people feel miserible about themselves. They need to stop because most people already know how those people are so they need to learn that their covers have been blown. Which should couse them to stop their little act and make them get slapped by reality, because honestly it's really annoying.