I'm sorry with the delay on Ashes and Lucifer... I've been extremely busy and really haven't had time for either. I've been working on Jaysen recently since summer is now upon me. I'll make him a priority to get done and hopefully my naughty rockstar will make his chapter six appearance sometime this week. I should have that done before I go see Motley Crue in concert on the 11th (YAY!) First concert ever is going to be one of my favorite bands on their last tour. Anyways, thanks for sticking with me and as always, I'm open to opinions in which to better him. If anyone wants, I hope to be making a prequel to Jaysen in the fact that Twisted Souls will get their own books. I might start them off with Warren, but at the same time, I may start them out with Troy, or Lukas, or even Jesse. I'm just rambling at this point so I'll stop typing. Thanks so much again to all who have read Jaysen and Lucifer!