Y'all don't know how happy I am after visiting a book store today. To give a bit of context, the book store I went too had like a music section which consisted of a kpop area and I was so excited but I only found one stray kids item (it was a calendar) and it was hellaaaa expensive but i was willing to buy it and then my mother was like 'wHy aRe yOu gEtTiNg tHaT? It'S tOo eXpEnSiVe. Go LoOk aT tHe kEyChAiNs oR sMtH' so I did. And there was like this entire section of stray kids merch so now I'm broke. It's my mum's fault for telling me to go to the keychain section.
REALLLLLLL OML THE LAST TIME I SAW NOT OFF BRAND HAIKYUU MERCH WAS AT AN OP SHOP (Excluding the sticker things I keep collecting from a supermarket)
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@TheBetterTimTam I’M SO HAPPY FOR UUUUU *dances around in ballet shoes and throws confetti at everything and everyone* Ik the feeling btw. Like, I was walking casually in a store and then I SEE A HAIKYU POSTER AND I BASICALLY JUMP ON MY FRIEND AND TACKLE HER TO THE GROUND AND SCREECH AND THEN WE BOTH RUN TOWARDS THE POSTER AND SPOT MORE HAIKYU THINGS AND WE SCREECHED AND SCARED AWAY OTHER CUSTOMERS For context it’s like so difficult to find Haikyu merch and we were in a fucking phone store we did not expect to see Haikyu merch, we were just looking for a new charger for my friend