
‘Grains of anguish, dissolved in his hazel eyes. Granulated pain, stained his irises. An indelible mark. Irreversible. Like the craters of the moon. Haunting, yet… beautiful. The meteoric impacts, veiled in a borrowed light. Similar to his golden suit, that shimmered and gleamed… hiding something.. raw…’
          	Golden Sorrow…
          	The latest chapter of ‘My Assassin Boyfriend’ is out at last!
          	This chapter was originally much longer, however I decided to split it in order to make it easier to read. I’ll upload the rest of it either tonight or tomorrow In sha Allah!


@TheBlackStarWriter Your writing is absolutely captivating! The imagery and emotions you weave into your words are stunning—every sentence feels poetic and deeply immersive. 'Golden Sorrow' is such a beautiful and haunting phrase, and your descriptions make the characters come alive.


‘Grains of anguish, dissolved in his hazel eyes. Granulated pain, stained his irises. An indelible mark. Irreversible. Like the craters of the moon. Haunting, yet… beautiful. The meteoric impacts, veiled in a borrowed light. Similar to his golden suit, that shimmered and gleamed… hiding something.. raw…’
          Golden Sorrow…
          The latest chapter of ‘My Assassin Boyfriend’ is out at last!
          This chapter was originally much longer, however I decided to split it in order to make it easier to read. I’ll upload the rest of it either tonight or tomorrow In sha Allah!


@TheBlackStarWriter Your writing is absolutely captivating! The imagery and emotions you weave into your words are stunning—every sentence feels poetic and deeply immersive. 'Golden Sorrow' is such a beautiful and haunting phrase, and your descriptions make the characters come alive.


‘His raven black hair with a subtle blue hue that draped over his eyes like protective curtains. His slender sloping nose that held up his shy glasses. His tapered, athletic frame that held a covert confidence. And most captivating of all, his sapphire-blue eyes. They were like crashing waves. Frightening yet calm. Scared yet brave. Warm... yet, cold...’
          Codename: Qatil! The next exciting chapter of ‘My Assassin Boyfriend’ is out at last!
          I hope you all enjoy it! ✨
          I can’t wait to write more! 


It’s here! My new feel good joyride of a story! ‘My Assassin Boyfriend’
          When the self proclaimed ‘World Class Ace Journalist’ Talia, saves an unassuming man from a mugging. She unknowingly steps into the dark underlife of the city!
          There’s more to the glasses clad young man that she saves, with an unnatural aura about him. His meek demeanour, hiding a cold killing instinct…
          With this unlikely union, constant danger afflicts Talia’s life. However, perhaps her warm and fiery nature will change his dangerous, distant heart..?
          Can’t wait to hear what you all think! Don’t forget to comment like and follow if you enjoy the chapter hehe 


@the_ink_of_balencia Thanks so much for your support! Glad to have you reading my works!


@TheBlackStarWriter OKAAAAY! Let's get this! More amazing lore and this is quite different from what you usually write so I'm so excited to see what it's about! 



@TheBlackStarWriter waaoow! Jazakallah! (。’▽’。)♡


hi there!! It's been a while that i gotta check on you. How are ya?! I see you're becoming a successful writer behind my back Mashaa'Allah! Good job, keep going~


@TheBlackStarWriter hey there sorry to get back to you late (as usual)... *huffs*.
            I'm really waiting for that day as well lol.. I'm recently writing just long essays and assessments for school nothing more nothing less. At least I'm trying.. *crying in a corner*


@chillin_author Hey Chillin! Glad to see you haven’t forgotten about little old me!! I’m good Alhamdullilah, I hope you are too? And that you’re all recovered from your accident. Haha, yeah I’ve been working hard on here, but I’m still awaiting the day you pick up your pen and write again… or well.. tap your phone screen I guess but you get my point 


Good afternoon (or whatever time it is wherever you guys are)! 
          I’m currently working on some very exciting stuff for you all to read. So much to do! So little time to write it in! Ugh  But the grind continues!  One of the upcoming books that I’m writing is called ‘My Assassin Boyfriend’
          Following the journey of Talia. A young and sprightly woman with red hair and blue eyes. She lost her parents when she was a young teenager. Police classed their mysterious death as manslaughter.
          However, when she meets an unassuming, young man called Qatil, a slender yet athletic individual with glasses and long black bangs, danger begins to follow her as she unknowingly gets closer to the truth of her parent’s death!
          Stay tuned guys!
          (Also @_Congo_Scenti_ the next part of the ‘Beginning To The End’ book is nearly complete as promised!)


@TheBlackStarWriter ohhhhh I just saw you have insta!! Imma go follow you. (。’▽’。)


@TheBlackStarWriter what about wanna settle in UK only? 


@TheBlackStarWriter Wowww!!! Ghana?! It's such a beautiful country! Nope... I wish I could travel to different countries, but my parents wouldn't allow it unless it's career-related. Typical Indian parents. lol.
            Kinda..Bollywood refers to Hindi films, and Tollywood is for Telugu films. Hehe... You know about Hyderabadi biryani? I didn't expect that! People here are super proud of it... they go around saying, "Our biryani is the best," lol. Honestly, I love the food here - everything is tasty, no matter how simple or complicated the dish is. You're a foodie? Woah, that's cool! We have some nice historic monuments, like Charminar (it's the main) . Oh maybe since we're still developing, there are plenty of opportunities... for now, at least. I'm sure it's gonna change in future...
            Ahh, unlucky me....I don't have a village to visit during holidays, so I'm stuck in this city, watching people rush around. Hehe, I'm sure London is even busier, though!
            Yeah, can say that.. well, I hate to say it, but sometimes it gets too much... we're literally deprived of freedom. My parents always remind me that I won't be living with them forever and that I'll have to move to a different house and "serve" my future husband... and lectures on how to be patient, kind, forgiving, and submissive. Ugh, these lectures are only for me, while my brother gets to focus on his career. My parents are still better than my cousin's, but it bothers me a lot. It's so unfair (╥﹏╥)
            Ohhh well all cities have their pros and cons. Taxes can be annoying yeah..ohhh I dint knew wages are insufficient there.. damn.. it's not fair to have low wages and high cost of living. 
            Wellll... With my job role, I can only survive in the USA..canada.. or some Middle Eastern countries. So maybe if I get enough freedom, I might choose UAE.. specifically dubai..since I have few relatives there. But I'm sure it's just gonna be a dream


Fire and ice…
          An unlikely union. The unyielding admiration of the Queen of Ice, Bayis; drives Damar to rekindle a long lost feeling… PRIDE!
          Damar reflects on her past and plans for the future. The first on her hit list, Sakar! 
          The Embers of Damar are ignited!
          Fire & Ice! The latest chapter of The Black Stars of Melanin, is now out! Don’t forget to like, comment and follow! Enjoy! 
          Until next time,
          SEE YA! ✌


The Black Stars of Melanin!
          An innocent heart is purged of its innocence. Amber eyes, burn and seethe at the cruelties of the world. Love gives way to hate. Justice bows to vengeance. And the skies are eclipsed as the Black Stars descend from the skies…
          My novel, tackles and highlights the nuances of man. The ever tipping scales of right and wrong, within his heart. The snowballing effect of oppression, that gives birth to ‘monsters’ demonised for repaying the blood debt they owe their aggressors. As well as religion and other interesting fantasy aspects. 
          Even if my writing touches just one soul, I’ll be satisfied. Take care everyone 


@the_ink_of_balencia you’re the absolute best! The new chapter is almost ready! 


@TheBlackStarWriter LOVE THE NEW COVER! It looks so amazing! And this new blurb is literal perfection!!! I hope the next chapter is out soon, been anticipating it for weeks now! 


‘"Difficult to spew nonsense without a pair of lungs, isn't it? I won't give you a chance to regenerate! I'll torture you until you yield. Then use that disgusting head of yours as coal! You freaks aren't as invincible as you think! And you're no way near as strong as Damar!" Fredrick bellowed, setting his sights on Maalik.’
          Fredrick arrives to avenge the fallen Prince of Lightning! Battered and exhausted, the Origin are unable to defend themselves, tipping the scales of battle in Frederick’s favour. 
          Justice will be dealt, via a blade of cold hard steel! In ‘Guardian Steel!’ The next exciting chapter of The Black Stars of Melanin!
          Until next time,
          SEE YA!


‘His jet black eyes began to change, giving into their true nature. That malevolent amber. That murderous emanation. And an encompassing power, that brought a feeling of impending doom...’
          Jaleel, steps up to protect his younger brother. Once estranged, they now share a mutual pride and respect for each other! With this, Jaleel gives into his true nature, in order to put down those who would dare to scheme against his kin!
          The new chapter, Yaekis The Black Mirror, is finally out l! Enjoy!
          Until next time, 
          SEE YA!