
Hi everyone! Here is an updated list of the Fandoms I roleplay ^^
          	1. Transformers (Animated, Bayverse, Cybertron [Unicron Trilogy], Fall Of Cybertron).
          	2. Doctor Who
          	3. Little Shop Of Horrors.
          	4. Cars.
          	5. Planes: Fire & Rescue.
          	6. 911.
          	7. 911 Lone Star.
          	8. Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
          	9. Van Helsing.
          	10. Pacific Rim.
          	11. Solarballs.
          	If you're interested in roleplaying any of these fandoms, feel free to comment on my Fandom RP book :)


@bland_bean It is good ^^
          	  And yeah, I've always liked Dracula in it :)


@TheBlueBean1993 and I thought I was that film's only defender in 2025. Its so good! 
          	  The aesthetic. The vibes. The cast that are all absolutely gorgeous. And the fun of it all! We adore Van Helsing < 3


@bland_bean Yeah, the film from the 2000s I believe :)


Hi everyone! Here is an updated list of the Fandoms I roleplay ^^
          1. Transformers (Animated, Bayverse, Cybertron [Unicron Trilogy], Fall Of Cybertron).
          2. Doctor Who
          3. Little Shop Of Horrors.
          4. Cars.
          5. Planes: Fire & Rescue.
          6. 911.
          7. 911 Lone Star.
          8. Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
          9. Van Helsing.
          10. Pacific Rim.
          11. Solarballs.
          If you're interested in roleplaying any of these fandoms, feel free to comment on my Fandom RP book :)


@bland_bean It is good ^^
            And yeah, I've always liked Dracula in it :)


@TheBlueBean1993 and I thought I was that film's only defender in 2025. Its so good! 
            The aesthetic. The vibes. The cast that are all absolutely gorgeous. And the fun of it all! We adore Van Helsing < 3


@bland_bean Yeah, the film from the 2000s I believe :)


Hey there my friend it's been a while since last talk how are you doing?
          Listen i have a favor to ask if it's not a problem pls!
          I need you to ask who can adopt the storyline from Fanfiction.Net.
          "To Dance Among The Skies" by "Aerith The Evenstar"
          This is Transformers Armada (Unicron Trilogy series)
          Love story of Jetfire x OC (Valerie Smith)

          Valerie Smith is friends with Alexis and has always been fascinated by the sky, and is taking ballet lessons. But she finds a Mini-Con panel and everything to the point that it even changes her life in the process.
          Chapters:26 (Not complete there is only 3 chapters left to finish the storyline:
          - Union (Episode 50)
          - Origin (Episode 51)
          - Mortal Kombat (Episode 52 Final) 
          But the author haven't updated for years... Plus suppost to be sequels since it's Trilogy. Armada/Energon/Cybertron series with Valerie Smith.)


So I had an 'autopilot brain' moment this morning, I use my Alexa as an alarm, so I wake up this morning and instead of saying the usual "Alexa stop", I grab my TV remote thinking it'll turn it off XD


@TheBlueBean1993 hey, wanna rp in discord ?


@TheBlueBean1993 that's happened to me once or twice.


Farewell to Wattpad DMs.
          I will still RP on this site, but it'll be in the comments on my Fandom RP book :)
          Alternatively, you can add me on the following socials: 
          Discord - bluenotegaming (account is private so comment your Discord username and I'll add you)
          Tumblr, I have a main blog and side blogs:
          Main blog - bluenotegaming
          Multimuse blog - blue-jewel-muses
          Transformers OC Muse blog - autobot-ome
          Doctor Who OC Muse blog - dalek-nota
          TFA Omega Supreme blog - guardian-of-cybertron (Canon Divergent, may contain trigger warnings)
          Bayverse Ironhide blog - autobot-ironhide (Canon Divergent, may contain trigger warnings)
          Multiverse OC Muse blog (Rebecca) - muse-of-the-multiverse 
          Amino - Blue93 (although I don't use it that often for roleplays)
          Thanks for reading!


discord: daisy_daisy44


@Daughter_of_Prime I already have you on Discord ^^


Discord: kirsten_2033


Hi everyone!
          I can't believe that Wattpad will be getting rid of the DM feature.
          While I will still roleplay on here via my RP book, you can also find my Discord and my Tumblr accounts in my bio, so feel free to add me on either of those.
          Disclaimer: My Discord account is private, so you can either post a conversation or comment on one of my books with your Discord username and I will add you.


@Dominus_Prime_1990 I already have yours since we're doing an FOC RP on Discord :)


@TheBlueBean1993 mine is Dominus_prime_1990