
I found it hard to write this story as the tears kept flowing


Hi Bob, welcome to wattpad.  It is good to see another author slightly over 21...  Thanks for reading Lost: Somewhere in Time.  I look forward to hearing from you.  Feel free to PM me if you have any questions about how wattpad works.
          Cheers, Jim


@WillFlyForFood  Hello, I'm not that much over 21, well maybe just under three times. Thank you for your story. I can tell it is a very in depth work. I look forward to continuing  to read it.


Hello @TheBobBaxter
          I’m a Wattpad Outreach Ambassador and I’d like to congratulate you on posting your first story! Being a new writer on Wattpad can be a bit intimidating, so I’d like to pass on some links you may find helpful.  
          Wattpad has created a Writer’s Portal filled with all sorts of information for new authors. Want to get inspiration, sharpen your skills, or build your audience of readers?  The answers are here
          If you’re wondering how to do something on the Wattpad website or app, or want to learn more about how Wattpad works, the guides posted on the @howtousewattpad profile are a good resource.  Be sure to check out their reading lists too!
          You may not know that connecting with Wattpad’s community of authors is the best way to get your story noticed more.  The easiest way to meet other Wattpad authors is to read, vote, and comment on your favorite stories. However, if you’d like the opportunity to chat with authors in a more informal setting, you can visit them in Wattpad’s Community forums at
          If you have questions, you can get help from my fellow @Ambassadors.  It’s a good idea to follow them to get updates on fun Ambassador activities and contests you can participate in.  Also, we suggest following the official @Wattpad account to get the latest Wattpad news.
          In addition, Wattpad’s Help Center has live updates on Wattpad’s operational status and known glitches/bugs they’re working on.  You can report issues there if something isn’t working.
          Thanks!  Do you have any questions about Wattpad I can answer?
          @SeraphinaMontez - Outreach Ambassador


            Thank you for the contact. I am in the process of adding three more stories that I have written over the last four years, so I'am sure I will need help in getting them out there to potential readers.