
HARRY POTTER DISCUSSION TIME! First off, I’d like to ask you what you thought of the book. I think it’s important to voice your first impressions of our first book.
          	Q2: Who is your favorite character from this book? If you’ve read the rest of the books but your favorite character isn’t in the first one, you can’t pick them. Tell us about your favorite character from book 1. However, if you’d like to PM us about your later favorite character, we’d love for you to tell us about them!
          	Q3: Do you think American wizards and British wizards have the same relationships that American muggles and British muggles have? Give an example lol
          	Q4: If given the chance, would you play quidditch? What position?
          	Q5: Obvi we had to include this one- what house would you be in? Why? 
          	Thank you guys so much for sticking with us through this nightmare blend of life, profiles, and book clubs. We know we haven’t been the most attentive, but we’ll be better, I promise.
          	Happy reading, 
          	- Pancakes


          	  Q1: *slurp* Good book.
          	  Q2: The Weasley twins, Fred and George, most likely.
          	  Q3: Ooohhhh yess... I think the British would definitely make fun of the Americans for calling muggles "no-maj", because it's so simplistic.
          	  Q4: Nope. It would cause my crotch much pain. Plus I'm scared of heights, and evil noseless villains cursing me so that I die and stuff.
          	  Q5: I would probably be in Slytherin, but I would want to be in Hufflepuff (I would most likely be bullied in Slytherin, since my parents are muggles, and Hufflepuff is brilliant).


this message may be offensive
My favorite character(s) are without a doubt Fred and George Weasley (actually maybe it’s Molly... I really like the Weasleys). I don’t think I’d play quidditch tho- I’m good with volleyball and lacrosse. Also I think American wizards are the ones screaming about “wE hAvE tHe RiGhT tO uSe UnFoRgIvAbLe CuRsEs”/ “fReEdOm Of MaGiC”! If you know me, you already know I’m a Slytherin through and through. You will never meet anyone more Slytherin. Btw, if you talk shit about my house or call us evil I will kick your ass >:)


HARRY POTTER DISCUSSION TIME! First off, I’d like to ask you what you thought of the book. I think it’s important to voice your first impressions of our first book.
          Q2: Who is your favorite character from this book? If you’ve read the rest of the books but your favorite character isn’t in the first one, you can’t pick them. Tell us about your favorite character from book 1. However, if you’d like to PM us about your later favorite character, we’d love for you to tell us about them!
          Q3: Do you think American wizards and British wizards have the same relationships that American muggles and British muggles have? Give an example lol
          Q4: If given the chance, would you play quidditch? What position?
          Q5: Obvi we had to include this one- what house would you be in? Why? 
          Thank you guys so much for sticking with us through this nightmare blend of life, profiles, and book clubs. We know we haven’t been the most attentive, but we’ll be better, I promise.
          Happy reading, 
          - Pancakes


            Q1: *slurp* Good book.
            Q2: The Weasley twins, Fred and George, most likely.
            Q3: Ooohhhh yess... I think the British would definitely make fun of the Americans for calling muggles "no-maj", because it's so simplistic.
            Q4: Nope. It would cause my crotch much pain. Plus I'm scared of heights, and evil noseless villains cursing me so that I die and stuff.
            Q5: I would probably be in Slytherin, but I would want to be in Hufflepuff (I would most likely be bullied in Slytherin, since my parents are muggles, and Hufflepuff is brilliant).


this message may be offensive
My favorite character(s) are without a doubt Fred and George Weasley (actually maybe it’s Molly... I really like the Weasleys). I don’t think I’d play quidditch tho- I’m good with volleyball and lacrosse. Also I think American wizards are the ones screaming about “wE hAvE tHe RiGhT tO uSe UnFoRgIvAbLe CuRsEs”/ “fReEdOm Of MaGiC”! If you know me, you already know I’m a Slytherin through and through. You will never meet anyone more Slytherin. Btw, if you talk shit about my house or call us evil I will kick your ass >:)


So like
          We suck at this so bad actually
          Um- December book we vote on Thanksgiving. I’m setting a reminder as you read this to remember this profile, and we WILL NOT forget again, I promise. I’ll switch over and post the Harry Potter discussion rn.
          - Pancakes


          SO UHH WE ROYALLY SCREWED UP AND FORGOT ABOUT OUR DEADLINE! So here’s what’s gonna happen:
          We will pick another book for November as scheduled (list below). We will have both the discussions for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (JK Rowling) and our November book at the same time, Nov 30.
          Anyways, so, so sorry about that. Let’s pick our next book, shall we?
          The Hate U Give (Angie Thomas)
          Wings of Fire: Dragonet Prophecy (Tui T Sutherland)
          We’ll take two more requests! 24 hours and the final November list will be posted! Remember that we’ll do the Harry Potter discussion at the end of the month, too!


          If you’re not done yet, I believe in you! You’ll get it done [:


Quick reminder: spoilers for any book whatsoever will not be tolerated. You will be blocked immediately. If you spoil a movie related to any of our books you will be given one warning.
          We want this book club to be FUN, so let’s keep it that way!
          - Pancakes


Well our 48 hours is up people, and it looks like our winner is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by JK Rowling!
          Get started on that reading as soon as you can; our end-of-book discussion will be held in the 62 hour time period of Halloween and the two days before. We’ll chose November’s book the day after.
          Our book has 17 chapters, so if you could fit in at least one a day, you’ll be more than perfect!
          Happy reading y’all!❤️
          - Pancakes


HEY! This is Pancakes here to announce our book options for the lovely month of October!
          - The Hate U Give (Angie Thomas)
          - Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (JK Rowling)
          - Wings of Fire: The Dragonet Prophecy
          Keep in mind, the other two that don’t get voted will be in the list of next month’s.
          Y’all have 48 hours to vote; majority rules! I’m so excited to really start this! LET’S GO BOOK CLUBBBB


@TheBookClubbbb WHOO 
            also same harry potter


My vote goes to Harry Potter 


okay so
          ik i need to not get in the habit of randomly posting here
          but heres a tip for someonething to drink while writing or reading:
          a nice mug of nutella hot chocolate
          heat up a mugs worth of milk and lots of nutella till the nutella has melted and maybe if youd like put some whipped cream on top
          i promise you it makes the experience so much better


alr this is sophie and i have two book suggestions
          The Hate U Give (by angie thomas)
          and Little Women (louisa may alcott)
          those are extremely different but theyre both good! i think its important that our choices say something about whatkind of book well read here :)) little women might be a bit long tho lmao


the hate u give was so quick for me-


Oh mah goodness those are long books to start with