
LOL, I wrote and finished PaB. Finally. 


Guys, I'm sorry Paybacks A Bitch has been neglected by me but do not worry, I'm working on the next chapter and it should be up by tomorrow evening. I have a feeling no one is reading the book anymore which makes me sad :( please comment to let me know that there is someone there. Thank you so much. 
          Spread the word; Payback's a Bitch


Hey GUYYS!!! 
          I think it's time I give you the 411 on why I haven't all.
          Well as not a lot of you know I used to be a directioners and slowly I kinda tried to escape. I quote my cousin "you can't leve this fandom that easily" , so for the past however long I've been dying of One Direction feels. Now once again I am a directioners, not a crazy one...yet. 
          So to all directioners out there, be my friend?!! Yay! Harry styles <3 
          I will be uploading soon. I have done chapters for both stories and soon will get them up:))) 
          P.s. I also have phandom feels (if you know what that is comment and I'll give you a dedication :) ) 
          Spread the word; paybacks a bitch