
holy moly I haven’t been in here in so long mb y’all [insert crying emoji] I’ve been so busy with work and other stuff I hadn’t have time to even THINK about Wattpad bro idk when I’ll write again but I know one day I’ll get the motivation and write something especially with the new YTTD 3-2 chapter leaks (and it possibly being released this year?!?!) anyways good luck to you guys <3 I wonder if anyone still actually reads my stuff.. my fics are probably cringe lmao sorry


holy moly I haven’t been in here in so long mb y’all [insert crying emoji] I’ve been so busy with work and other stuff I hadn’t have time to even THINK about Wattpad bro idk when I’ll write again but I know one day I’ll get the motivation and write something especially with the new YTTD 3-2 chapter leaks (and it possibly being released this year?!?!) anyways good luck to you guys <3 I wonder if anyone still actually reads my stuff.. my fics are probably cringe lmao sorry


I just checked someone’s account and saw that they made a book and was like “oh wow! Looks like a really good book and I love the title! What’s it about?” then I saw “VULGAR LANGUAGE, HARDCORE NSFW,” and more and was immediately like oh!… that’s not what I was expecting… 


♫~. What could he do? Should've been a rockstar. But he didn't have the money for a guitar. What could he do? Should've been a politician. But he never had a proper education. What should he do? Should've been a father. But he never even made it to his twenties. What a waste, army dreamers. ~♫


♫~ Every time we talk, it’s about your boyfriend. I don’t really want to hear any more about him. Can you talk about anything besides your boyfriend? Good god damn I don’t want to hear about your boyfriend! You say you’re bisexual (oh, oh.) I really want to hold you. (Oh, oh.) Do you have a boyfriend? (Oh, oh.) I want to be your boyfriend. (AAAAAAAAAAAHH.) ~♫


I’m losing interest in YTTD but as soon as the new chapter comes out best believe I’m boutta watch it/play it. 
          also that’s why I haven’t wrote in ages. I can’t write ‘good’ if it’s about something that I’m not passionate about.
          Also I might try to get back into camp camp. Thinking about it, but apparently there’s like a new counselor and like a new voice actor for max??? I don’t like big changes like that but I’ll see.
          hejekekdkekjdisjwjeiejiekeieiwjwiejdiejwi also looking at this account makes me mad for some
          reason. I want to change everything about it.