
Happy Pride month everyone! 


this message may be offensive
Its almost 10pm I have to go to sleep but I'm feeling really stressed and overwhelmed because I have a test on Thursday and literally got the stuff I need to learn this evening cause my teacher forgot to send it to me or something (I wrote to them and was like "where the fuck are my 21 seashells and snails I need to be able to recognize and name") and well they practically said "ha that happened to a lot of people suck it up" and I know I'm overreacting but I think I'm going to simultaneously be sick and die from stress because I have soooo much to do


As an update: I did a little cheating and was second in my class, I have decided actually knowing stuff is not necessary


Guess who's school is closing, again


Not necessarily bad, but the last time my mental health really deteriorated and I'm scared it will happen again. There's only one week left until the holidays, but after that I don't know if it will go on like this


@TheBrownHairedGinger Is that a good or bad thing? 


          YOU have been chosen to be showered with love, SO ENJOY! 
          Now post this on everyone's wall who you think deserves ALL THE LOVE in the world! 
          If you get... 
          1 back= You're loved 
          3 back= You're popular 
          5 back= You're one of the most lovable people out there
          9 back= Wow, I'm jealous. 
          Don't break this chain unless you wanna break someone's heart—


          YOU have been chosen to be showered with love, SO ENJOY!
          Now post this on everyone’s wall who you think deserves ALL THE LOVE in the world!
          If you get...
          1 back =You’re loved
          3 back = you’re popular 
          5 back = you’re one of the most lovable peoples it there
          9 back = wow, I’m jealous
          Don’t break this chain unless you want to break someone’s heart


I saw that you added Coconut Queen to your nickname list. 
          Best nickname I’ve given someone by far


Thanks! I’m also the one who gave the snakes poisonous acid water guns though-


@ SkallrianWolf  of course, you are the best nickname-giver I know! 