
Y'all should give Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars trilogy a try. They're really long books and contain rather risque scenes, but they're still a great read overall. You like romance? They've got it. You like war? They've got it. You like politics? They've got it. You like challenging societal convention? That's one of the trilogy's selling points. You like sci-fi? Yup, they've sure got it. You like ACCURATE sci-fi? I'll put it this way, NASA sent a digital copy of Green Mars on a DVD carried aboard the Phoenix lander to Mars. Yeah, it's that accurate!


Y'all should give Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars trilogy a try. They're really long books and contain rather risque scenes, but they're still a great read overall. You like romance? They've got it. You like war? They've got it. You like politics? They've got it. You like challenging societal convention? That's one of the trilogy's selling points. You like sci-fi? Yup, they've sure got it. You like ACCURATE sci-fi? I'll put it this way, NASA sent a digital copy of Green Mars on a DVD carried aboard the Phoenix lander to Mars. Yeah, it's that accurate!


LMAO, does anyone even remember me anymore? Most of the people I once knew on this site have since moved on to bigger and better things. To those of you that are new here, let one thing be known: my updates are slow af. Sorry for the delay on Chapter 2 of Apocalypse's Front Lines, I'm seriously trying to binge Fallout games for inspiration. 


I just want to say how much everything's changed since I first joined Wattpad all those years ago. Friendships broken, interests changed, global temperature, the life of a certain gorilla, idiotic politicians, I've even MOVED for crying out loud! The Wattpad I once knew exists only in the memory of me and those I've lost contact with, and I don't know how to interpret that.