
Hey everyone I lost a really close friend yesterday and I’m just going through alot mentally rn and I’m gonna postpone the book for a lil while I hope you guys understand 


POSTED THE FIRST CHAPTER! It is a shorter one and it gets straight into the story but didn't want to bore you guys and drag it out. I know what you're here for. GO READ IT! Comment what you think and anything you guys wanna see or if maybe my writing is just shitty lol just lmk what you guys think! Chapter 2 which will be much longer should be out either Monday or Tuesday but I'll message during the weekend to update you guys! SIGNING OFF


I worked an 11 hour shift today but the grind shall not STOP!! I should have the full first chapter up by tomorrow and expect lots more updates! WE ALSO HAVE A TIKTOK! I will be posting behind the scenes stuff and personal anecdotes on there so follow if you're interested! PEACE


JEESH! I HAVNT POSTED IN YEARS! okay okay what's up guys how is everyone hope your all doing well. A lot has changed for me in the last few years but im sure I'll tell you all that in the months to come! I am working on a brand new story called LIFELESS it's a zombie apocalypse almost young adult book! I am super inspired and committed to finishing this one! I do have some updates on Superhuman but im not gonna work on it until after this book is done! I will be keeping you guys updated I'll also be linking a YouTube channel soon hopefully and probs some of my socials too. I am really committed and I will be updating this page either every day or every other day! including new chapters and all that nonsense! Hope you guys read and leave some comments!! GO READ THE TEASER. Also submit some character names maybe I'll throw you in the story!!