
Could some people from the One Piece fandom help me out? I'm intending to write a story at some point, and would like to know if it would be a bad idea to keep Long Ring Long Land short because a lot of people don't like it, or if I should attempt to go through the arc anyways. Thoughts?


Could some people from the One Piece fandom help me out? I'm intending to write a story at some point, and would like to know if it would be a bad idea to keep Long Ring Long Land short because a lot of people don't like it, or if I should attempt to go through the arc anyways. Thoughts?


If anyone is listening, I have a question that could prove vital to my next story. Do you know of any female anime characters that are good at fighting unarmed and have some sort of energy manipulation as their only special ability?


@TheChaoticDragon Actually, by now the answer to my problem has been found. But thank you regardless.


@TheChaoticDragon i could maybe find some


So last night I had a dream I was trying to stay up the whole night until Christmas morning despite Christmas being days ago. I dreamt Krampus had crept around my house before he left, and then Frosty the Snowman showed up and he had been possessed by the devil.


@Fulldriver Oh, you know nothing me!


@TheChaoticDragon That is the weirdest and most random dream I have ever heard. Who even are you, cause you can't be him.


@TheChaoticDragon .....I has a Dream similar to that years ago when i was first shown those movies 