I'm a florida boy who grew up in Panama City, apart from a small time trainee artist I'm also an aspiring musician who has deep feelings for another wattpad user. Along with music I write short stories mostly including death and destruction but hey a guy has to have SOME hobbies am I right? I am a passive CoD zombies player (I only play it for the music and easter eggs) and I am a huge Slipknot fan (WHOO DES MONIES IOWA!) but other than that I'm not very interesting. One day I will have a website where I will sell my music art and hand made weapons (no guns of course das illegal). But for now I'll write my music, stories, and make my knives, spears, tomahawks, and such.
  • JoinedOctober 30, 2018


Last Message
TheChosenUndead67 TheChosenUndead67 Aug 24, 2019 12:30PM
I’m back biotches-
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Story by TheChosenUndead67
Welcoming myself to my own hell yaaayyyy :D by TheChosenUndead67
Welcoming myself to my own hell ya...
Basically all this is, is just me describing what work I can do.