If anyone would like to read a poem with 20 facts about myself, it's called "A Game of Tag" and is located in "Clandestine." http://www.wattpad.com/67779828-clandestine-a-game-of-tag
I also updated "Anything but Ecstatic," which I haven't written in forever! Sorry about that. I've got the next chapter completed. (Avril May may or may not have depression. The thing is that she isn't as motivated to know the truth as she was when she was first exposed to the possibility. As a result, her pediatrician snags her a spot in a local teen support group for "depressed teens" so that she could observe and decide whether or not she wants to be diagnosed. Through new friends, crushes, charity, and adventures, she realizes that rarely anyone is truly understood.)
I entered "Siren's Song" into the Young Writers Short Story contest. To get the story into the top 20 for the judges to decide the winner, I need your votes! Please help me by voting for each chapter of "Siren's Song." I would be glad to help you with the contests that you are in or any other favor that you ask of me, besides a follow. (Sorry.)
Siren's Song: Corey Townsend, son of a doctor, volunteers at the prison his father works at. There, he meets a prisoner by the name of Acacia. (The story is only 4 chapters long and less than 2,000 words.)
Link: http://www.wattpad.com/65586206-siren%27s-song-the-before