
@seaera_butler1 Geeewd! ^w^ I'm going to get gum right now, you?


Good. Good. I've hung out with Kassidy a lot, talked to Kobi and Kayla on the phone, and went to the park. That's basically it. I'm just waitin for my b-day bc hopefully I might see you, Kayla, and Kassidy around that time. I still have to ask my grandparents bout it though. I wanted to go to the mall (bc I've neer been before) to hang out with my bff's for my b-day!


Hey is this JaElle? It's Seaera! Wazzup girl? How've you been doing? I missed you on the last day of school. *pouts* And you're not dissapointing. You're one of my best friends and I love you very much. Fact. I'm sorry for your dog. *sadness*