
Rest in peace Techno.
          	Cancer sucks. It's the worst.
          	The fact that sometimes we can't do anything about it makes it so much worse.
          	You were a light in this world Techno.
          	Many of us didn't know you personally, but you made so many people's lives happy.
          	Thank you for everything that you have done.
          	o7 soldier


Rest in peace Techno.
          Cancer sucks. It's the worst.
          The fact that sometimes we can't do anything about it makes it so much worse.
          You were a light in this world Techno.
          Many of us didn't know you personally, but you made so many people's lives happy.
          Thank you for everything that you have done.
          o7 soldier


Happy Pride Month!!!
          First of June lets go!.
          A whole month of queer celebrations to come!
          Remember you are all appreciated and that no matter whats going on or how your feeling, you matter and someone out there knows that and loves you.
          Sleep, eat and stay hydrated <3333
          I love you all


this message may be offensive
          Hold the phone
          We’ve got 1k reads on the oneshots book!!!???????!!!!
          Hold up lemme just- yep that’s 1k
          Ummm, thank you hehe for everyone who read it and for everyone who has supported me through the process of writing. (This sounds so cheesy but anyway) This is the most reads I’ve gotten on a story… holy shit 1k! 
          Thank you to all of you people. 
          I know I haven’t been active recently but I’m going to get a oneshot done soon. I promise. 
          But yeah…
          We reached 1k!!! Wooooo
          Again thank you to everyone. 
          I love you guys. 


@TheCrimsongurl I miss you too my beloved
            Hope u get the discord fixed soon xx <3


            Thank you Kai!!!! 
            I miss you so much beloved. 
            So much love <33333333




Happy Easter all you wonderful people! 
          For some Easter is tomorrow but for those who have it today Happy Easter! 
          Remember I love you all so much and you are kind, incredible and beautiful/handsome. 
          Take care of yourself and remember you’re loved. 


            Happy Easter Kai my beloved <33


@TheCrimsongurl happy Easter my beloved <3


Hello my friends! 
          So just a little apology/resigning.
          So firstly apology. Sorry about being pretty inactive atm on both discord and wattpad. Discord there is a reason and wattpad just because I’ve been a little dismotivated to write anything. Don’t worry I have some works in progress and hopefully I’ll be able to finish them. 
          Secondly I’m resigning from discord. 1. Because it kinda broke and I can’t fix it. 2. This was probably going to happen eventually. With my last few years of school coming up I want to keep my mind as focused as possible. And even though I love talking with all of you I’ll need all the time I can get. 
          So yeah that’s that. I’ll still try to be as active as I can on wattpad so feel free to private message me here. I still always check my notifications so I won’t miss it. 
          Anyway yeah. So that’s that. 
          I love you all so much and hope you’re having the best day! And even if your not I send you all the love in the world to hopefully make it just a bit better <33


@TheCrimsongurl you're resigning from discord??? How tf am I gonna talk to u now :(
            Well I hope u get bettwr


Hello humans
          You could say I have not been very active 
          I’m sorry
          But I have summoned you because I need help
          Please I need requests for the oneshots book I am stuck and have no ideas so please help
          I hope you’re all well and remember you are all loved and beautiful/handsome. 
          You guys deserve all the love in the universe <333


@PinkBean046 … no clue why it gave spongebob vibes but I can kinda see where you’re coming from 


@TheCrimsongurl hiiiii criiiiimsoooon :] 
            Why did this give me spongebob vibes


The things I'd do to give you a huge hug are magnificent


@TheCrimsongurl yes i rlly want tooo


Ahwww thank you Kai my beloved! 
            I honestly just want to be able to fly over to you and give you the biggest hug in the whole world. 
            I wanna see you in person.
            One day it will happen
            That’s my goal 
            To see you and give you the biggest hug 
            And then we can go shopping in the gay mall together hehehe